"Keep Me Satisfied" - Promo

Everything about this song makes it a different style for me. It's a little edgier. The lyrics definitely have double meanings. A song's lyrics can be interpreted differently by each listener. There is no 'right' or 'wrong' answer for what the lyrics mean to you...” - Linda Gaal

— Regarding the song "Keep Me Satisfied"

"Seasons Change" - Promo

Manifest destination ... lead me down a new path” - Linda Gaal

— Lyrics in the song "Seasons Change"

"Million Pieces" - Promo

Writing song lyrics is personal for me. I write with real life situations in mind, often something I have personally experienced. I like each song's verses and choruses to flow like a story. Hopefully, my songs resonate with someone. If I can touch one person, I will feel deeply gratified.” - Linda Gaal